By Martin Crimp (and adapted with Martin Crimp for a contemporary Sydney Audience)

Australian Premiere
July 22-August 15, 2009
SBW Stables Theatre/Griffin Independent

“Full of great ideas, painfully accurate observation of human behaviour and a great many sweet-sour laughs. Recommended.”
Diana Simmonds, Stage Noise

Photography:  Alina Gozina

Director: Cristabel Sved
Producer: Joanna Fishman
Set/Costume Designer: William Bobbie Stewart
Sound Designer/Composer: Steve Toulmin
Lighting Designer: Verity Hampson
Movement Consultant: Johanna Puglisi
Stage Manager: Fiona Young

With Sarah Becker, Laura Brent, Boris Brkic, Josh McConville, Kelly
Paterniti, Ed Wightman

“Director Cristabel Sved has drawn a fine interpretation of this tricky and deceptive play from her cast. They inhabit their roles with conviction and shrewd attention to comedy and the nuances of the script and production. …Dealing With Clair is a rewarding and unexpected entertainment. Full of great ideas, painfully accurate observation of human behaviour and a great many sweet-sour laughs. Recommended.”
Stage Noise, Diana Simmonds

Ms Sved had an authoritative and intense creative grip on her intentions from the first moment that I, as an audience, engaged with the offers…What Ms Sved has added in her direction of the text of this play is also a visual delight in the masterly footsteps of Alfred Hitchcock.
(Kevin Jackson’s Theatre Diary)